
The TVET Leadership and Management Benchmarking Programme held in Tianjin and Beijing in China

In order to promote the social, economic, educational and cultural development of China and Southeast Asian countries, and deepen the cooperation between the two sides in the field of vocational and technical education and training, a series of the TVET Leadership and Management Benchmarking Programme and training workshops were held in Tianjin and Beijing in…

How Are We Doing with Student-centered Learning Facilitated by Educational Technologies? A Systematic Review of Literature Reviews

Abstract Despite the importance of Student-Centered Learning (SCL), limited information exists in the literature on how SCL can be facilitated by various educational technologies. This study, therefore, explores the literature to investigate the role of educational technology in supporting SCL. Particularly, it builds on the American Psychological Association (APA) learner-centered principles framework, and a classification…

Global Network — The Chair Engages in Discussions with Government Leaders, Representatives of International Organizations, UNESCO Entities and Chairs

The 2023 Global Smart Education Conference commenced in Beijing on August 18th, setting its focus on the theme of “Education Transformation and Data Governance.” This distinguished event extended invitations to experts, scholars, and educators hailing from various sectors encompassing education, technology, and business, both nationally and internationally. Their collective objective was to engage in discussions…

China Released the First “Demonstration Artificial Intelligence Law 1.0(Expert Draft).”

On August 16th, the drafting team of the Major Project on National Conditions Research of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences released the “Demonstration Artificial Intelligence Law 1.0 (Expert Draft).” The “Demonstration Law” covers seven main chapters, including the general principles, support and promotion of artificial intelligence, AI management systems, obligations of AI developers and…

The Chair Shares Insights During the 2023 GEM Report Launch Ceremony

Co-hosted by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Uruguay and Ceibal Foundation, the global launch of the “2023 Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report: Technology in education: A tool on whose terms?” took place on 26-27 July, 2023 in Montevideo, Uruguay with 15 ministers of education from around the world. This event promoted a high-level…

Prof. HUANG Ronghuai Invited as Keynote Speaker at International Conference on Blended Learning

The 16th International Conference on Blended Learning (ICBL 2023) occurred from July 17 to 20, 2023 at Hong Kong Metropolitan University. With the theme “Blended Learning: Lessons Learned and Ways Forward”, the conference aimed to foster knowledge exchange and collaboration among researchers and practitioners. Prof. HUANG Ronghuai, the UNESCO Chair on AI in Education and…

Hong Kong — Conduct Academic Exchanges and Cooperation to Drive the Development of Intelligent Education

The Education University of Hong Kong & CoolThink@JC On July 18th, Prof. HUANG Ronghuai and his delegation visited the Education University of Hong Kong, and met with Prof. JIANG Shaoxiang and Ir Daniel LAI, Programme Director of CoolThink@JC and Justice of the Peace (JPs). They held in-depth discussions on topics related to enhancing teachers’ computational…

Technology Addiction, Abduction and Adoption in Higher Education: Bird’s Eye View of the ICT4AD Policy in Ghana 20 Years on

Twenty years after its inauguration, the information communication and technology for accelerated development (ICT4AD) policy intended to transform Ghana into an information and technology-driven high-income economy through digital education has been unsuccessful. In this digital era, young adults’ attachment to technological tools is anticipated to expedite technological adoption in the education sector. Still, there are…

The Chair Participates in Launch Ceremony of Chinese Version of GEM Report 2021/2 and China’s Progress Report on SDG 4-Education 2030

On June 4th, the launching ceremony of the Chinese version of “GEM Report 2021/2” and “China’s Progress Report on SDG 4-Education 2030” and the International Symposium on High-Quality Development of Education was held in Beijing. Mr. Wang Jiayi, the Vice Minister of Education, PRC, and Ms. Stefania Giannini, the Assistant Director-General for Education at UNESCO,…

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