Networking and Events

The Chair held the China-Africa Policy Dialogue Forum on AI in Educationin Beijing

On November 21, the “China-Africa Policy Dialogue Forum on AI in Education” took place in Beijing. The event was jointly organized by the UNESCO Chair on AI in Education at Beijing Normal University and the UNESCO Eastern Africa Multisectoral Regional Office. Policymakers, researchers, educators, and representatives from the private sector in China and African countries…

Prof. HUANG Ronghuai was invited to attend the 16th ASEF Classroom Network Conference held in Slovenia.

The 16th ASEF Classroom Network Conference, themed “Leading the Change: Digital Transformation in the Era of Artificial Intelligence in Education,” was held in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, from November 12th to 16th. Professor Huang Ronghuai, the UNESCO Chair on AI in Education and Co-Dean of the Smart Learning Institute of Beijing Normal University, was…

Prof. HUANG Ronghuai attended the 60th-anniversary celebration of the establishment of UNESCO IIEP

On November 8th to 9th, the 60th-anniversary celebration of the International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP), a part of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), was successfully held in Paris, France. Prof. HUANG Ronghuai, the Chairholder of the UNESCO Chair in Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education at Beijing Normal University and Co-Director…

Prof. HUANG Ronghuai Invited to Attend UNESCO Learning Sciences Expert Meeting in Paris

Paris, October 25-26 – The UNESCO Expert Meeting on Learning Sciences convened at the UNESCO headquarters, orchestrated by the Education Policy Department of UNESCO. This prestigious gathering aimed to foster interactive exchanges between academic researchers and policymakers, leveraging research outcomes in learning sciences to propel policy development, catalyze educational transformation, and advance the Sustainable Development…

The Chair Participated in the China-Aid-Cambodia Project for Grade 10 ‘Information Technology’ Textbook Teacher Training

On October 17th, 2023, with the support of the Chinese Embassy in Cambodia and the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports of Cambodia, Hunan Science and Technology Publishing House and the Information Technology Department of the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports of Cambodia jointly launched the teacher training program for Grade 10 “Information Technology”…

The TVET Leadership and Management Benchmarking Programme held in Tianjin and Beijing in China

In order to promote the social, economic, educational and cultural development of China and Southeast Asian countries, and deepen the cooperation between the two sides in the field of vocational and technical education and training, a series of the TVET Leadership and Management Benchmarking Programme and training workshops were held in Tianjin and Beijing in…

Global Network — The Chair Engages in Discussions with Government Leaders, Representatives of International Organizations, UNESCO Entities and Chairs

The 2023 Global Smart Education Conference commenced in Beijing on August 18th, setting its focus on the theme of “Education Transformation and Data Governance.” This distinguished event extended invitations to experts, scholars, and educators hailing from various sectors encompassing education, technology, and business, both nationally and internationally. Their collective objective was to engage in discussions…

The Chair Shares Insights During the 2023 GEM Report Launch Ceremony

Co-hosted by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Uruguay and Ceibal Foundation, the global launch of the “2023 Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report: Technology in education: A tool on whose terms?” took place on 26-27 July, 2023 in Montevideo, Uruguay with 15 ministers of education from around the world. This event promoted a high-level…

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