The digitalization of higher education is a strategic issue that affects and even determines the high-quality development of higher education. To advance the digitalization of higher education, it is essential to clarify a consensual vision for digital transformation, fully recognize the multidimensional practical challenges faced during the digitalization process, and profoundly grasp the core concerns of educational digitalization to promote the construction of an inclusive, efficient, resilient, and sustainable higher education ecosystem. This forum will explore the following topics:
• Challenges and responses of the digital transformation of higher education.
• The empowerment of digital technology for the sustainable development of higher education.
• Digital pedagogy and the cultivation of innovative talents.
• The open and shared model of education.
• The transformation of the learning environment driven by smart technology.
Beijing Normal University, China
The Education University of Hong Kong, China
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China
The UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNESCO IESALC)
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust
Tuesday, 20 August, 2024, 8:30-12:00
Sports Hall