近日,应国际大学联盟邀请,联合国教科文组织人工智能与教育教席主持人、北京师范大学智慧学习研究院联席院长黄荣怀教授在联盟会刊IAU Horizons发表题为《培养智能时代的关键能力,重塑高等教育》(“Reshaping Higher Education with Vital Competences in the Intelligent Era”)的英文署名文章。

Reshaping Higher Education with Vital Competences in the Intelligent Era
The breakthrough development of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) technologies such as ChatGPT, Gemini, and Sora has enabled the systems to “learn and understand” human language and generate high-quality and coherent text, complex and realistic images, dynamic and detailed videos, and other content as needed. Furthermore, users can intuitively and tangibly perceive and experience the profound impact of generative AI on their learning, work, and daily lives. GenAI is becoming an important driving force for accelerating the transformation of higher education and it is bringing unprecedented challenges in the process.
On the one hand, its emergence has led to a gradual reduction in many simple, repetitive, and standardized manual tasks within higher education institutions, such as administrative paperwork, data entry, and routine grading, providing more time and resources for innovative research and personalized instruction. Additionally, generative AI brings a series of ethical challenges to higher education, including the disappearance of certain positions, the crisis of academic integrity caused by homework “cheating” and academic “plagiarism”, and the technological ethics formed by human-machine coexistence. In response to the continuous evolution of intelligent technology, we should recognize the inherent logic of AI’s role in transforming education, rethink the changes in educational concepts in the era of intelligence, grasp the concerns of cultivating the “vital competence” of the new generation of citizens in higher education, and promote the high-quality development of higher education.
To prepare for the revolutionary effects of the intelligent era, whether educators, parents, or society at large, everyone needs to adapt to fundamental changes in educational philosophy, especially the conceptual changes regarding knowledge, learning, curriculum, and instruction. The first change is Knowledge Created beyond Experts, which we should learn in schools. In the intelligent era, knowledge demonstrates substantial collective wisdom. Humans collaborate with AI technologies to produce knowledge, each becoming a producer and disseminator of knowledge. The second change is Learning Coupled to Digital Environments, where technology serves an important role for students. In an environment of intelligent interconnectivity, digital technology offers endless possibilities for creating various learning scenarios. The fragmentation and dynamism brought about by multi-space interconnection and cross-space interaction require students to engage actively in deep learning. Another change is Curriculum Integrated with Multiple Subjects, fostering interdisciplinary learning and holistic understanding among students. This shift transforms the curriculum from singular and rigidly preset group courses to diverse and personalized courses across multiple subjects. This leads to the formation of a more comprehensive, interconnected, and integrated curriculum system. The last change is Instruction Assisted by Intelligent Systems, facilitating a symbiotic relationship between teachers and AI technology. Teachers coexist, collaborate, and learn with AI technology, enabling personalized instruction analysis, decision-making, and implementation based on data to become normalized.
In order to adapt to the deep integration of generative AI into various aspects of production and life, it is necessary to cultivate students’ vital competencies in the intelligent era, focusing on five key concerns: active learning, creativity, adaptability in employment, and the ability to handle various situations and environments.
The first competence lies in Active Learning during Lifetime. This skill will emerge as the central learning aptitude in the intelligent era, highlighting student’ sense of self-efficacy and subjective initiative in higher education. Through various behaviors such as self-planning, self-decision-making, self-monitoring, self-management, and self-evaluation, individuals can actively uphold and refine their learning trajectory during their time at the university and throughout their lives.
The second competence involves Creatively Using AI. This ability not only underscores the capacity to utilize past experiences for novel problem-solving and integrate diverse viewpoints for innovative solutions but also emphasizes applying acquired knowledge and experiences to address real-world challenges in everyday life. Higher education should foster and nurture students’ critical thinking and problem-solving skills, directing them toward conducting original research and practical applications with advanced technological resources. This competence may unlock their potential for innovation and creativity.
The third competence is Adaptability of Flexible Employment. This ability ensures that students can adapt to diverse work environments and meet various job requirements. They can seamlessly transition between different roles and responsibilities to fit various work scenarios and occupational demands. In the intelligent era, students will require strong professional skills and interdisciplinary literacy to effectively adapt to the dynamic developments across different industries and respond to changes in social needs.
The fourth competence is Resilience to Uncertain Circumstances. This skill involves cultivating the ability to make wise decisions in complex environment and adhere to the principle of technology for good, ensuring that technological innovation benefits humanity while respecting individual privacy, safeguarding data security, and promoting social fairness and justice. Moreover, it entails coping with social uncertainties, requiring students to possess critical thinking and risk assessment abilities to make wise decisions in constantly changing social and economic conditions. Furthermore, it involves the ability for security and technological ethics, where students can understand and address safety and ethical issues in the intelligent era, possess technical ethics awareness and ethical judgment abilities, use technology resources reasonably, protect personal privacy and information security, and understand the ethical dilemmas and social impacts that technological developments may bring.
The fifth competence involves Survival in Rich AI Environments. This skill describes the close collaboration between humans and machines within rich AI environments. While prioritizing individual subjectivity and initiative maximizes human creativity and the multitasking efficiency of machines. By combining the strengths of both humans and machines, optimal performance is achieved.
In this era of rapidly updating knowledge and frequently iterating technology, cultivating students’ vital competencies becomes particularly crucial. The integrated development of these competencies will help students adapt to changes in higher education and lay a solid foundation for success in the intelligent era. Through reshaping educational philosophies and emphasizing the cultivation of competencies, such as being active during their learning throughout Life, creativity leveraging of AI, adaptability to flexible employment, resilience to uncertainty, and thriving in rich AI environments, students can allow to meet the challenges of an increasingly complex and changing knowledge production in the future and make positive contributions to the progress and development of society.
国际大学联盟(International Association of Universities – IAU)成立于1950年,是在联合国教科文组织支持下创立的全球高等教育机构和大学联盟领头组织。IAU拥有来自130余个国家和地区的600多家会员单位,通过专业知识与趋势分析、出版物与门户平台、咨询服务、同行学习、活动举办以及全球倡导等方式服务全球高等教育界。